LEAD Cohort 9, Biblical Theological Seminary

LEAD Cohort 9, Biblical Theological Seminary

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Money problems!

Alright, so this might not be so much about our trip in particular, but I thought it was an interesting tid-bit on our current American culture especially the economy.

I wonder if this is the message that our culture needs to be hearing from our churches. Its pretty intersting to study what Jesus says about money... Luke was pretty interested in the topic if you want to check it out.

But instead of the church, this comes from a rather unlikely finanical advisors. (Note that this is not the source I generally take financial advice from, but they seem to be on to something.)

Enjoy this short clip: Don't Buy Stuff You Cannot Afford!

Saturday, February 21, 2009


I don't do a lot of "blogging" nor do I look through a lot of "blogs."

Through the advice of a classmate, however, I was reading a blog about a week ago that originates from a local guy. He had just posted some thoughts about Firefighters & how they are a good metaphor for the church.

I can't stop thinking about the analogy as it is quite thought provoking on the role of the church in the local community. Since, this is part of the idea behind the type of mission trip we are taking, I wondered if you guys would want to be challenged by it as well.

Check it out, and feel free to let me know what you think.


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Preparation - HELP!

The start of February means that we are less than 4 months away from our trip.

Many of you who I have asked to be a part of this journey with me have been extensively involved in missions for many years. Some of you as career missionaries, others serving on leadership boards for missions organizations, some short term missionaries, and others have supported global missions virtually as a career.

If there is only 4 months before our journey, from your experience what would you recommend as appropriate personal preparation for the road ahead? How do you prepare?