LEAD Cohort 9, Biblical Theological Seminary

LEAD Cohort 9, Biblical Theological Seminary

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Fighting for Freedom

I was reading an article this past week from the BBC, I was reading it for one reason... because it concerns Italy, and I am trying to keep up on current events in that area while preparing for this trip. But I found myself intrigued by the article for another reason... because in it, there are people fighting for freedom.

Freedom has been the cry of the church since the beginning. Freedom is at the core of who we are as Christians. In Galatians 5, Paul speaks of freedom in very unique ways, but in the end he says that we have been set free so that we can live in step with the spirit, and as such we will produce a life that there is no law against... a life marked by love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self-control.

The Italians are right now involved in a fight for freedom. I am wondering what the role of Christians looks like in this very unique fight.

Check out this article and let me know if you have any thoughts of how the Church, being Christ's representative on earth should engage in this specific fight for freedom.

Italians Versus Mafia

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