LEAD Cohort 9, Biblical Theological Seminary

LEAD Cohort 9, Biblical Theological Seminary

Friday, January 9, 2009


One of the ways we are preparing for this trip is by reading together.

There are 4 books that we are going to read before we embark on our actual trip. The first is, "Exiles: Living Missionally in a Post-Christian Culture." by Michael Frost.

I am currently reading it and will make some comments about it soon. If you have read the book or if you want to grab it and give it a read, I want to invite you to post your thoughts/comments below. Maybe we can learn something together?

The other thing I have found to be helpful is that many websites that you can purchase books online from acually provide an exerpt to give you a feel for the book like this one found at Amazon.com. Maybe that will be enough to spark some ideas you wanna post, or even better... encourage you to read it with me!


  1. I don't know if you've gotten to this part or not, Franco, but I am still pondering Frost's comments on Christian community happening "incidentally" or in the "liminal space", as the group devotes themselves to a greater cause and goes through a trial together. I notice, at least in youth ministry, and I believe in other aspects of traditional church, we spend a lot of time laboring to create community and unity... we're belly-button focused, instead of outwardly focused which would, perhaps, naturally create the community we long for. What do you think?

  2. Its funny that you mention this point, on a page dedicated to a mission trip, because I think that experience is exactly what always felt like happened on our student ministry missions experiences. There is NO better community than what comes out of those trips.

    I've also heard some people talk about connecting MEN to churches with this same idea. We as men want to DO something, not just stand around and small talk, but in DOING something together (even as simple as painting a room or grilling the perfect steak) community develops. And gives us the commonality to engage in progressively deeper conversations.

  3. Yeah, I've been thinking a lot about the differences in male and female spirituality... making a generalization like that may not be fair or accurate, but I do think there is something to be said for being sensitive to people who don't connect with God through the symbolism of candles, art, in silence or lots of conversation or even singing. We (American churches) do not offer much for those kinds of people.
