LEAD Cohort 9, Biblical Theological Seminary

LEAD Cohort 9, Biblical Theological Seminary

Friday, January 9, 2009

Why Pilgrimage?

It's an interesting word, and one that isn't used much in our current cultural context.

Generally, when we hear "pilgrim" with think of thanksgiving and those funny hats with the buckles on the front.

Our class chose to not only refer to this trip as a Pilgrimage, but also named our cohort by the same name almost 2 years ago.

At its core, the word, pilgrimage refers to a trip, generally a long trip taken for religious purposes. For our class, this is the way we have viewed our seminary experience, as a trip or a journey.

None of us wanted to simply have more information in our heads at graduation time, we wanted to be different people, more Godly men and women, more spiritually attuned leaders, better equipped students and teachers. A classroom wasn't going to be sufficient to accomplish these goals... so we committed to taking a journey together. Similarly, we have made the same commitments for this trip we are taking to Italy. Our prayer is that God may use this experience to transform our lives as we bring our seminary experience to a close.

In many ways, we are asking you to take this journey with us... hopefully this blog helps you feel a part of this Pilgrimage.

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